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North of Ocala Heading to  GainesvilleNorth of Ocala Heading to  GainesvilleNorth of Ocala Heading to  GainesvilleWetland Cranes and Cow PathsWetland Cranes and Cow Paths42 Ibis and  Sandhill CranesThrough the Windshield Approaching Orange LakeHeading North from Ocala to GainesvilleCreek Surrounded by Cyprus TreesSandhill Cranes103 Sandhill Cranes42 Ibis and 7 Sandhill Cranes.jpgThousand(s) of Sandhill Cranes on the PrairieThousand(s) of Sandhill Cranes on the PrairieDirectly over Sandhill CranesSandhill Cranes on Paynes PrairieSandhill Cranes on Paynes PrairiePaynes Prairie11 Bison on Paynes Prairie7 Wild Horses and Sandhill Cranes on Paynes Prairie.jpg